In the last post, Building the synthetic CPU, I expected the CPU, running a machine code version of the Mandelbrot test, to run at least 10x faster.

Well, here’s the test:

It ran in 4ms, and the original, SoapyBASIC interpreted version runs in about 50ms.

So I’m happy with that.

My synthetic CPU does an iterative decode of the instruction from memory and execute in one pass, so there’s no parallel decode/execute and no caching of decoded instructions.

I tried decoding instructions and producing closures (this is in Swift) that execute in a chain, but the overheads made it quite slow.

If I choose to move this to C that’s what I’d do though; a kind of pseudo-JIT.

That’s all for this post. The next steps are completing the last 15% or so instructions not handled and writing a mini assembler (the Mandelbrot code producing the above was hand assembled 🙁 ).

Below is that assembly code. As you can see it’s a bit ARM/RISC-V like and although there is no memory access in here, it is a load/store architecture and every instruction is 32-bits. 32 each of general purpose and floating point registers.

More on this in future articles.

  fset fs0, 79.0     ; num lines
  fset fs1, 30.0     ; num cols
  set s0, 16         ; max iter
  fset fs2, -2.0     ; minRe
  fset fs3, 1.0      ; maxRe
  fset fs4, -1.0     ; minIm
  fset fs5, 1.0      ; maxIm

  ; fs6 (imstep) = (maxIm-minIm)/lines
  fsub fs6, fs5, fs4
  fdiv fs6, fs6, fs0

  ; fs7 (restep) = (maxRe-minRe)/cols
  fsub fs7, fs3, fs2
  fdiv fs7, fs7, fs1

  ; for im(fs8) = minIm to maxIm step imstep
  fcopy fs8, fs4
  ; for re(fs9) = minRe to maxRe step restep
  fcopy fs9, fs2
  fcopy fs10, fs9 ; zr(fs10)=re
  fcopy fs11, fs8 ; zi(fs11)=im
  ; while n (s1) < maxIter
  set s1, 0
  sub zero, s1, s0 ; zero = n-maxIter
  ; above could be cmp s1, s0 pseudo-instruction?
  b_eq nbreak
  ; a(fs12)=zr*zr, b(fs13)=zi*zi
  fmul fs12, fs10, fs10
  fmul fs13, fs11, fs11
  ; if a+b > 4 break
  fadd ft0, fs12, fs13
  fset ft1, 4.0
  fcmp ft0, ft1
  b_gt nbreak
  ; zi = 2*zr*zi+im
  fset ft0, 2.0
  fmul ft0, fs10, ft0
  fmul ft0, fs11, ft0
  fadd fs11, ft0, fs8
  ; zr = a-b+re
  fsub ft0, fs12, fs13
  fadd fs10, ft0, fs9
  ; next n
  add s1, s1, 1
  b nloop
  ; print char n
  copy a0, s1 a0=n
  syscall 2
  ; next re(fs9)
  fadd fs9, fs9, fs7
  fcmp fs9, fs3 ; re,maxRe
  b_le reloop
  ; print new line
  set a0, 10
  syscall 1
  ; next im(fs8)
  fadd fs8, fs8, fs7
  fcmp fs8, fs5 ; im,maxIm
  b_le imloop



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